Health insurance

ჩვენ ვაფინანსებთ
Correction of vision
Reproductology, in-vitro fertilization
No fixed limits for endoprosthesis, implants, stents
Homeopathy, registered biologically active food supplements
Congenital and genetic diseases
Contraception, family planning, sexual disorders
Online reimbursement without limitation to total sums
VIP patient's room, invited/personal physicians - for any type of service
Guarantee letter immediately upon provision of relevant documents.
არ ფინანსდება
Expenses for sanatorium/health resort treatment and/or treatments using methods which are not evidenced scientifically
cosmetic and plastic surgery
Professional sport
Organ transplant, purchase of organs and donorship
Mental illnesses, psychotherapy, speech therapist
Chronic renal impairment, dialysis, plasmapheresis
Surgical treatment of obesity
HIV infection and all types of hepatitis, except type A
Drug addiction/toxicomania/alcoholism. Driving under the influence of narcotic/toxic/alcoholic substances
Exoprosthesis, hygienic, cosmetic and therapeutic appliances, hair loss prevention and hair growth stimulators